- v.Hit blow hit; hit
- n.Hit hit; hit; a popular person (or thing)
- WebImpact hits
v. | 1. to move your hand or an object onto someone’ s body with great force, so that you hurt them; if a vehicle hits someone or something, it moves against them with great force; to move quickly onto an object or surface, touching it with force; to deliberately move an object so that it touches another object with force; if something such as a bullet or bomb hits someone or something, it lands on them; to use something such as a bat to make a ball move 4. |
n. | 1. 2. 3. |
English word hit can not be rearranged.
Based on hit, new words formed by adding one letter at the beginning or end
c - hit
k - itch
l - kith
n - hilt
o - hint
p - thin
r - thio
s - pith
w - hits
All shorter English words within hit :
hi it ti - List all shorter English words in hit.
- List all English words English words starting with hit, English words that contain hit or English words ending with hit
- With the same order, English words that are formed by any part of : h hi hit it t
- Based on hit, all English words formed by changing one letter
- Create new English words with the same letter pairs: hi it
- Find English words starting with hit by next letter
English words starting with hit :
hitchers hitching hitherto hittable hitched hitcher hitches hitless hitters hitting hither hitman hitmen hitter hitch hits hit -
English words that contain hit :
bobwhite bullshit chitchat chitling chitlins chitosan chitters chitties chitins chitlin chitons chitter chital chitin chiton chitty chits chit dipshits dipshit gnathite gobshite goethite gothites graphite gothite hitchers hitching hitherto hittable hitched hitcher hitches hitless hitters hitting hither hitman hitmen hitter hitch hits hit mechitza megahits mephitic mephitis megahit mishits mishit nonwhite orchitic orchitis ophites ophitic outhits ophite outhit psephite rachitic rachitis shitakes shithead shitless shitlist shitload shittahs shittier shittims shitting sulphite superhit shits shit shitake shittah shitted shittim shitty trichite thither whitecap whitefly whitened whitener whiteout whitiest whitings whitlows whitrack whitters whittled whittler whittles whittret whitely whitens whitest whiteys whither whitier whities whiting whitish whitlow whitter whittle whited whiten whiter whites whitey white whits whity whit -
English words ending with hit :
bullshit chit dipshit hit megahit mishit outhit superhit shit whit