- v.; Create; make; make money
- linkv.Be equal to; for; total
- n.Model
- WebMaking needed;
v. | 2. 3. 8. 11. |
n. |
- Look at his delicate hands and slight make.
Source: H. Martineau - He was crowned by a helmet of French make.
Source: J. Cary - A stone which is near the ideal is said to be of good make or fine make.
Source: E. Bruton - They confine their purchases to one make of car or commercial vehicle.
Source: Motor Sport - God that made the world and alle thingis that ben in it.
Source: R. Pecock - As birds sometimes are seen to make their nests.
Source: Goldsmith - The patent plan of Mr William Onions of making cast steel.
Source: A. Ure - The factory made many things beside rope mats.
Source: P. Mortimer
Rearrange English Word: make
kame -
Based on make, new words formed by adding one letter at the beginning or end
r - aekm
s - kames
All shorter English words within make :
ae am em ka kae kea ma mae me - List all shorter English words in make.
- List all English words English words starting with make, English words that contain make or English words ending with make
- With the same order, English words that are formed by any part of : m ma mak make a ak k ke e
- Based on make, all English words formed by changing one letter
- Create new English words with the same letter pairs: ma ak ke
- Find English words starting with make by next letter
English words starting with make :
makeable makebate makefast makeover makeups makers makeup maker makes make -
English words that contain make :
bedmaker capmaker carmaker comakers comaker comakes comake diemaker hatmaker haymaker lawmaker makeable makebate makefast makeover mapmaker mismakes makeups mismake makers makeup maker makes make remakers remaker remakes remake teamaker warmaker wigmaker -
English words ending with make :
comake mismake make remake