- n.Surface ground surface; the water
- adj.The surface of the ground; on the outside, and (for the elevated and underground railway said) on the flat land
- v.To rise to the surface; surfaced; expose; wake up
- WebSurface plane; the appearance of
n. | 2. 3. |
adj. | |
v. |
- The gold..was lying there on the surface of the ground.
Source: A. Moorehead - Poor roadssbad surfaces, dangerous bends.
Source: Listener - Gazing out..at the bay, its surface webbed with light.
Source: D. Profumo - I surfaced..hard and softwoods at differing depths of cut.
Source: Practical Woodworking - Roads..were usually surfaced with cobblestones.
Source: M. Meyer
English word surface can not be rearranged.
Based on surface, new words formed by adding one letter at the beginning or end
d - surfaced
h - furnaces
n - farceurs
r - surfacer
s - factures
All shorter English words within surface :
ace aces acre acres ae ar arc arcs arcus are ares arf arfs ars arse as aures cafe cafes car care cares cars carse case cause causer cesura crus cruse cue cues cur cure cures curf curfs curs curse ear ears eau ecru ecrus ecu ecus ef efs er era eras ers es escar fa face facer facers faces far farce farces fare fares fas fauces fear fears fer feu feuar feuars feus frae fur furs fuse race races ras rase re rec recs ref refs res rue rues ruse sac sae safe safer sau sauce saucer scar scare scarf scaur scurf sea sear sec ser sera serac serf sucre sue suer sura sure surf urase urea ureas ursa ursae us use user - List all shorter English words in surface.
- List all English words English words starting with surface, English words that contain surface or English words ending with surface
- With the same order, English words that are formed by any part of : s surf surface ur urfa r f fa face a ace ce e
- Based on surface, all English words formed by changing one letter
- Create new English words with the same letter pairs: su ur rf fa ac ce
- Find English words starting with surface by next letter
English words starting with surface :
surfaced surfacer surfaces surface -
English words that contain surface :
surfaced surfacer surfaces surface -
English words ending with surface :