- n.Ball ball; kicked out (or hit, throw, etc) of a ball, (pitching) balls
- v.Globose; cluster blocks, (male) (female) sex
- WebThe party; ball; ball watch
n. | 2. |
v. |
- The..tents..are adorned on the top with guilded balls.sssss R. E. Vern&egra;de
Source: M. W. Montagu - All the flagella around the sphere beat in an organised way and drive the tiny ball in a particular direction.
Source: D. Attenborough - There's nothin' like a ball o' malt occasional like.
Source: S. O - Brooks balls off twine.
Source: E. K. Kane - Small hands balled into possessive fists.
Source: P. Gallico - This handkerchief, balled up in Mavis's hand.
Source: E. Crispin
United Kingdom
English word ball can not be rearranged.
Based on ball, new words formed by adding one letter at the beginning or end
e - abll
s - label
u - bulla
y - bally
All shorter English words within ball :
ab al alb all ba bal la lab - List all shorter English words in ball.
- List all English words English words starting with ball, English words that contain ball or English words ending with ball
- With the same order, English words that are formed by any part of : b ba bal ball a al all ll
- Based on ball, all English words formed by changing one letter
- Create new English words with the same letter pairs: ba al ll
- Find English words starting with ball by next letter
English words starting with ball :
ballades balladic balladry ballasts balletic ballgame ballhawk ballista ballonet ballonne balloons balloted balloter ballpark ballroom ballsier ballutes ballyard ballyhoo ballyrag ballade ballads ballast ballers ballets ballies balling ballons balloon ballots ballute ballad balled baller ballet ballon ballot ballsy balls bally ball -
English words that contain ball :
ballades balladic balladry ballasts balletic ballgame ballhawk ballista ballonet ballonne balloons balloted balloter ballpark ballroom ballsier ballutes ballyard ballyhoo ballyrag baseball beanball blowball blueball boxballs ballade ballads ballast ballers ballets ballies balling ballons balloon ballots ballute boxball ballad balled baller ballet ballon ballot ballsy balls bally ball caballed cornball eyeballs eyeball fastball fireball foosball football forkball globally goofball gumballs gumball hairball handball hardball heelball highball kickball lowballs lowball meatball mothball oddballs oddball pinballs puffball pushball pinball snowball softball sourball spitball trapball tribally verbally -
English words ending with ball :
baseball beanball blowball blueball boxball ball cornball eyeball fastball fireball foosball football forkball goofball gumball hairball handball hardball heelball highball kickball lowball meatball mothball oddball puffball pushball pinball snowball softball sourball spitball trapball