- n.Great man; celebrities; great things
- adj.Great; good; huge, large numbers
- adv.Well, excellent; very good
- WebIt's awesome; very; very good
adj. | 1. 2. bigger or more than is usual; used for emphasizing the physical size of something or someone; used for emphasizing a large number of people or things; very large and impressive; used in the names of buildings, rooms, or features of geography that are very large and impressive; used in the names of birds or animals that are larger than related birds or animals 3. important or powerful; used about an event or situation that affects a lot of people or a large area; used in the names of important events in history; used about someone famous or important who is admired by a lot of people, or about their work; used for emphasizing the most important feature of something |
n. | |
adv. |
Rearrange English Word: great
grate retag targe terga -
Based on great, new words formed by adding one letter at the beginning or end
d - aegrt
e - grated
g - ergate
h - garget
i - tagger
l - gather
n - aigret
o - gaiter
p - triage
r - tergal
s - argent
t - garote
u - orgeat
y - parget
All shorter English words within great :
ae ag age ager ar are art at ate ear eat er era erg et eta gae gar gat gate gear get geta grat rag rage rat rate re reg ret ta tae tag tar tare tea tear teg - List all shorter English words in great.
- List all English words English words starting with great, English words that contain great or English words ending with great
- With the same order, English words that are formed by any part of : g gre great r re rea e eat a at t
- Based on great, all English words formed by changing one letter
- Create new English words with the same letter pairs: gr re ea at
- Find English words starting with great by next letter
English words starting with great :
greatens greatest greaten greater greatly greats great -
English words that contain great :
greatens greatest greaten greater greatly greats great -
English words ending with great :