- v.Make into a paste; With paste seals [Paste]; "Painting" painted a strong color to Shang
- WebMake paste
v. | 1. "Painting" painted a strong color to Shang2. Make into a paste3. With paste seals [Paste] |
Rearrange English Word: impaste
pastime -
Based on impaste, new words formed by adding one letter at the beginning or end
c - campiest
d - campsite
h - mateship
l - shipmate
m - palmiest
r - psammite
s - primates
All shorter English words within impaste :
ae ai aim aims ais ait aits am ami amie amies amis amp amps ape apes apse apt as asp at ate ates east eat eats em emit emits ems es et eta etas imp imps is ism it item items its ma mae maes maist map maps mas mast mat mate mates mats me meat meats mesa met meta metis mi mis misate mise miseat mist mite mites pa paise pam pams pas pase past paste pastie pat pate pates pats pe pea peas peat peats pes pest pet pets petsai pi pia pias pie pies pieta pietas pima pimas pis piste pit pita pitas pits psi sae same samite samp sap sat sate satem sati sea seam seat sei semi sepia sept septa set seta si sim sima simp sip sipe sit site smit smite spa spae spait spam spat spate spit spite stamp steam stem step stime stipe ta tae tam tame tames tamis tamp tamps tams tap tape tapes tapis taps tas tea team teams teas temp tempi temps tepa tepas ti tie ties time times tip tips tis - List all shorter English words in impaste.
- List all English words English words starting with impaste, English words that contain impaste or English words ending with impaste
With the same order, English words that are formed by any part of impaste: imp m p pa pas past paste a as s st t e
- Based on impaste, all English words formed by changing one letter
- Create new English words with the same letter pairs: im mp pa as st te
- Find English words starting with impaste by next letter