- n.Pets pet; baby reds
- v.Touch (lovingly) stroke; kissing; flirting
- adj.Favorite; favorite; very interested
- abbr.(=
- WebPet (Polyester) and polyethylene terephthalate and polyethylene terephthalate
n. | |
v. | |
adj. | |
abbr. | 1. (= Peter) |
- Do be a pet and..talk to Jane Hubbard...She must be feeling lonely.
Source: P. G. Wodehouse - I was the special pet of numerous relatives.
Source: N. Podhoretz - 'Are you rested, pet?' her mother inquired.
Source: W. Trevor - He realized she was in pain..and he began..to pet and comfort her.
Source: H. T. Lane - Petted and pampered..she..developed a sense of her own specialness.
Source: L. Appignanesi
English word pet can not be rearranged.
Based on pet, new words formed by adding one letter at the beginning or end
a - ept
k - pate
l - peat
m - tape
n - tepa
o - kept
r - lept
s - pelt
w - pent
y - poet
All shorter English words within pet :
et pe - List all shorter English words in pet.
- List all English words English words starting with pet, English words that contain pet or English words ending with pet
- With the same order, English words that are formed by any part of : p pe pet e et t
- Based on pet, all English words formed by changing one letter
- Create new English words with the same letter pairs: pe et
- Find English words starting with pet by next letter
English words starting with pet :
petabyte petaline petalled petalody petaloid petalous petcocks petechia petering petiolar petioled petioles petition petnaper petrales petrolic petronel petrosal pettable pettedly pettiest pettifog pettings pettling petulant petunias petuntse petuntze petaled petards petasos petasus petcock petered petiole petites petnaps petrale petrels petrify petrols petrous petsais petters pettier pettily petting pettish pettled pettles petunia petals petard peters petite petnap petrel petrol petsai petted petter pettle petal peter petit petti petto petty pets pet -
English words that contain pet :
appetent appetite apetaly becarpet carpeted competed competes crumpets carpets compete crumpet carpet herpetic lappeted lappets limpets lappet limpet moppets moppet nepetas nepeta parapets peripety petabyte petaline petalled petalody petaloid petalous petcocks petechia petering petiolar petioled petioles petition petnaper petrales petrolic petronel petrosal pettable pettedly pettiest pettifog pettings pettling petulant petunias petuntse petuntze pipetted pipettes puppetry parapet petaled petards petasos petasus petcock petered petiole petites petnaps petrale petrels petrify petrols petrous petsais petters pettier pettily petting pettish pettled pettles petunia pipette poppets puppets petals petard peters petite petnap petrel petrol petsai petted petter pettle pipets poppet puppet petal peter petit petti petto petty pipet pets pet recarpet repetend roupet skippets snippets snippety strumpet sippets skippet snippet sippet trippets trumpets turpeths tapetal tapetum tappets tippets trippet trumpet turpeth tapeta tappet tippet whippets whippet competition -
English words ending with pet :
becarpet crumpet carpet lappet limpet moppet parapet poppet puppet pipet pet recarpet roupet strumpet skippet snippet sippet trippet trumpet tappet tippet whippet