- n.Juice fool; gullible people
- v.A weakened weak undermine
- abbr.(=
- WebSevere acute pancreatitis (severe acute pancreatitis), SAP; superabsorbent polymer (Super Absorbent Polymer)
Rearrange English Word: sap
asp pas spa -
Based on sap, new words formed by adding one letter at the beginning or end
b - aps
c - baps
d - caps
e - pacs
g - daps
h - pads
i - apes
l - apse
m - pase
n - peas
o - spae
p - gaps
r - gasp
s - haps
t - pash
u - pias
w - alps
y - laps
z - pals
All shorter English words within sap :
as pa - List all shorter English words in sap.
- List all English words English words starting with sap, English words that contain sap or English words ending with sap
- With the same order, English words that are formed by any part of : s sap a p
- Based on sap, all English words formed by changing one letter
- Create new English words with the same letter pairs: sa ap
- Find English words starting with sap by next letter
English words starting with sap :
sapajou sapid sapor sappy saps sap sapajous sapheads saphenae saphenas sapidity sapience sapiency sapients saplings saponify saponine saponins saponite saporous sapphics sapphire sapphism sapphist sappiest sapremia sapremic saprobes saprobic sapropel sapsagos sapwoods saphead saphena sapiens sapient sapless sapling saponin sapotas sapotes sapours sappers sapphic sappier sappily sapping saprobe sapsago sapwood sapors sapota sapote sapour sapped sapper -
English words that contain sap :
misapply pinesaps pinesap sapajou sapid sapor sappy saps sap sapajous sapheads saphenae saphenas sapidity sapience sapiency sapients saplings saponify saponine saponins saponite saporous sapphics sapphire sapphism sapphist sappiest sapremia sapremic saprobes saprobic sapropel sapsagos sapwoods saphead saphena sapiens sapient sapless sapling saponin sapotas sapotes sapours sappers sapphic sappier sappily sapping saprobe sapsago sapwood sapors sapota sapote sapour sapped sapper winesaps winesap -
English words ending with sap :
pinesap sap winesap