- adv.Appropriate time immediately; fluently
- n.Beat and a bit of butter
- adj.The simplicity of; not natural; as long
- v.(Favorite), Pat
- WebPat; flicks; program association table (Program Association Table)
adj. | |
n. | |
v. | 1. to touch someone gently several times with a flat hand to show that you care about them or want to make them feel better; if you pat your hair or skin you touch it gently to make it smooth, neat, or dry; to touch something gently with a flat hand to draw attention to it, or to check that something is where you placed it; if you pat an animal such as a dog or a horse, you touch it gently several times with a flat hand in a friendly way |
Rearrange English Word: pat
apt tap -
Based on pat, new words formed by adding one letter at the beginning or end
c - pact
e - pate peat apte tepa tape
h - path phat ahpt hapt
i - pita aipt
l - palt plat
m - ampt tamp
n - pant
o - atop
r - patr part prat aprt trap tarp rapt
s - pats past apst taps spat
u - upta
y - paty
All shorter English words within pat :
at pa ta - List all shorter English words in pat.
- List all English words English words starting with pat, English words that contain pat or English words ending with pat
- With the same order, English words that are formed by any part of : p pa pat a at t
- Based on pat, all English words formed by changing one letter
- Create new English words with the same letter pairs: pa at
- Find English words starting with pat by next letter
English words starting with pat :
patagial patagium patamars patchers patchier patchily patching patellae patellar patellas patented patentee patently patentor paternal pathetic pathless pathogen pathoses pathways patience patients patinaed patinate patining patinize patootie patriate patriots patronal patronly patroons pattamar pattened pattered patterer patterns pattypan patulent patulous patacas patagia patamar patched patcher patches patella patency patents pathway patient patinae patinas patined patines patness patriot patrols patrons patroon patsies pattens pattern patters patties patting patzers pataca patchy patens patent paters pathos patina patine patins patios patois patrol patron patted pattee patten patter pattie patzer patch pated paten pater pates paths patin patio patly patsy patty pate path pats paty pat patro -
English words that contain pat :
allopath apatetic apathies apatites apatite apathy baldpate bypaths bypath chapatis chapatti chappati clodpate conepate conepatl copatron crispate cuspated chapati cowpats cuspate cowpat despatch dispatch empathic eupatrid empathy expats expat footpath hepatica hepatics hepatize hepatoma hepatic mispatch myopathy palpated palpates palpator patagial patagium patamars patchers patchier patchily patching patellae patellar patellas patented patentee patently patentor paternal pathetic pathless pathogen pathoses pathways patience patients patinaed patinate patining patinize patootie patriate patriots patronal patronly patroons pattamar pattened pattered patterer patterns pattypan patulent patulous pitapats pupating pupation palpate patacas patagia patamar patched patcher patches patella patency patents pathway patient patinae patinas patined patines patness patriot patrols patrons patroon patsies pattens pattern patters patties patting patzers pitapat pupated pupates pataca patchy patens patent paters pathos patina patine patins patios patois patrol patron patted pattee patten patter pattie patzer pupate patch pated paten pater pates paths patin patio patly patsy patty pate path pats paty pat repatch spatzle spathose spatters spatting spatular spatulas spatzles standpat sympathy sympatry spates spathe spate spats spat spathal spathed spathes spathic spatial spatted spatter spatula telepath towpaths towpath warpaths warpath zapateo patro impatient -
English words ending with pat :
cowpat expat pitapat pat standpat spat