- n.Plane plane; the flat plane; trowel
- v.Planing; plastering; slide; (game ships) in the fly on the water taxi
- adj.Flat plane graph
- WebAircraft-e;; bitmap number of planes
n. | 4. |
v. |
Rearrange English Word: planes
panels -
Based on planes, new words formed by adding one letter at the beginning or end
c - aelnps
e - enclasp
g - spancel
i - spelean
o - spangle
r - alpines
s - pineals
t - spaniel
All shorter English words within planes :
ae al ale ales alp alps als an ane anes ape apes apse as asp aspen el elan elans els en ens es la lane lanes lap laps lapse las lase lea lean leans leap leaps leas lens na nae nap nape napes naps ne neap neaps pa pal pale pales pals pan pane panel panes pans pas pase pe pea peal peals pean peans peas pen penal pens pes plan plane plans plea pleas plena sae sal sale salep salp sane sap sea seal sel sen sepal slap snap sneap spa spae spale span spean - List all shorter English words in planes.
- List all English words English words starting with planes, English words that contain planes or English words ending with planes
- With the same order, English words that are formed by any part of : p plan plane planes la lane lanes a an ane anes ne e es s
- Based on planes, all English words formed by changing one letter
- Create new English words with the same letter pairs: pl la an ne es
- Find English words starting with planes by next letter
English words starting with planes :
planes -
English words that contain planes :
biplanes deplanes emplanes enplanes planes airplanes -
English words ending with planes :
biplanes deplanes emplanes enplanes planes airplanes