- n.Tears tears tears
- v.Tear; torn; torn; torn
- WebTorn
v. | 1. |
n. |
- He must not flote upon his watry bear..With-out the meed of som melodious tear.
Source: Milton - His pants were patched, never mind the tear in the seat.
Source: A. Brink - The hogs..scuffled over the snake, tore it apart.
Source: J. Agee - He had torn the letter into small bits.
Source: Sloan Wilson - The fumes were still so strong our eyes teared.
Source: Jayne Phillips
Rearrange English Word: tear
rate tare -
Based on tear, new words formed by adding one letter at the beginning or end
b - taber
c - caret carte cater crate react recta trace
d - dater derat rated tared trade tread
f - after
g - grate great retag targe terga
h - earth hater heart rathe
i - irate retia terai
k - taker
l - alert alter artel later ratel taler
m - armet mater ramet tamer
n - antre
o - oater orate
p - apter pater peart prate taper
s - aster rates stare tares tears
u - urate
v - avert trave
w - tawer water
x - extra retax taxer
y - teary
All shorter English words within tear :
ae ar are art at ate ear eat er era et eta rat re ret ta tae tar tea - List all shorter English words in tear.
- List all English words English words starting with tear, English words that contain tear or English words ending with tear
- With the same order, English words that are formed by any part of : t tea tear e ear a ar r
- Based on tear, all English words formed by changing one letter
- Create new English words with the same letter pairs: te ea ar
- Find English words starting with tear by next letter
English words starting with tear :
tearable tearaway teardown teardrop teariest tearless tearooms tearers tearful teargas tearier tearily tearing tearoom teared tearer tears teary tear -
English words that contain tear :
outearns outearn retears retear stearate stearine stearins stearic stearin tearable tearaway teardown teardrop teariest tearless tearooms tearers tearful teargas tearier tearily tearing tearoom teared tearer tears teary tear wheatear -
English words ending with tear :
retear tear wheatear