- v.Help; help; support; support
- n.Help Assistant tool tools
- WebAid ambulance; assistive devices
n. | 1. 8. |
v. | |
na. |
- During the period that the novice is riding his first mount, he should learn the aids (correct and combined applications of his hands and legs).
Source: G. Brooke - A life with few modern aids such as vacuum cleaners and electric washers.
Source: R. Hoggart - Neither shal they..aide them with victuals, weapons, money, or ships.
Source: Bible (AV): 1 Maccabees - All the instruments which aided to expose the child.
Source: Winter's Tale,Shakespeare - Reclining in a state of supine repletion to aid digestion.
Source: Joyce - Saints will aid if men will call.
Source: absol.
English word aid can not be rearranged.
Based on aid, new words formed by adding one letter at the beginning or end
c - adi
e - cadi
g - aide
k - idea
l - gadi
m - dial
p - amid
q - padi
r - qaid
s - raid
t - sadi
v - said
w - adit
All shorter English words within aid :
ad ai id - List all shorter English words in aid.
- List all English words English words starting with aid, English words that contain aid or English words ending with aid
- With the same order, English words that are formed by any part of : a ai aid id
- Based on aid, all English words formed by changing one letter
- Create new English words with the same letter pairs: ai id
- Find English words starting with aid by next letter
English words starting with aid :
aidless aiders aidful aiding aidman aidmen aided aider aides aide aids aid -
English words that contain aid :
alcaides aidless alcaide afraid aiders aidful aiding aidman aidmen aided aider aides aide aids aid baidarka barmaids bondmaid braiders braiding bandaid barmaid braided braider braids braid caids caid daidzein foresaid gainsaid handmaid laid maidenly maidhood medicaid mermaids milkmaid maidens maidish mermaid mislaid missaid maiden maids maid navaids naysaid nonpaid navaid overlaid overpaid outlaid outsaid postpaid plaided prepaid plaids plaid paid qaids qaid raiders raiding raided raider relaid repaid resaid raids raid staidest saids staid said staider staidly taxpaid waylaid zenaida -
English words ending with aid :
afraid aid bondmaid bandaid barmaid braid caid foresaid gainsaid handmaid laid medicaid milkmaid mermaid mislaid missaid maid naysaid nonpaid navaid overlaid overpaid outlaid outsaid postpaid prepaid plaid paid qaid relaid repaid resaid raid staid said taxpaid waylaid