- n.Tee, (Golf) tee
- v.Put (the ball) on the tee, preparing
- WebTee; t shirt by Transesophageal echocardiography (TRANS-esophageal echocardiography)
- Reinforced concrete tee beams.
Source: Engineering
Rearrange English Word: tee
eet -
Based on tee, new words formed by adding one letter at the beginning or end
b - beet
c - cete
d - teed deet
f - tefe eeft feet fete
h - thee ethe
j - jete
k - keet
l - teel tele eelt etel leet
m - teem meet mete
n - teen tene eent
r - tree eert rete
s - tees sete
w - twee etwe weet wete
x - exte
y - tyee
All shorter English words within tee :
et - List all shorter English words in tee.
- List all English words English words starting with tee, English words that contain tee or English words ending with tee
- With the same order, English words that are formed by any part of : t tee e e
- Based on tee, all English words formed by changing one letter
- Create new English words with the same letter pairs: te ee
- Find English words starting with tee by next letter
English words starting with tee :
teenaged teenager teeniest teensier teenybop teetered teethers teething teetotal teetotum teemers teeming teenage teeners teenful teenier teentsy teepees teeters teethed teether teethes teeing teemed teemer teener teensy teepee teeter teethe teels teems teens teeny teeth teed teel teem teen tees tee -
English words that contain tee :
abductee absentee acceptee admittee adoptees allottee amputees arrestee auditees adoptee amputee auditee anteed bootees bootee canteens canteen coatees coatee departee deportee devotees dogteeth draftees devotee draftee eighteen electees enlistee esteemed evictees eyeteeth electee esteems evictee esteem fifteens fourteen fifteen grantees genteel giftees goateed goatees grantee giftee goatee lateener legatees lateens legatee listees lateen listee manatees missteer muleteer manatee mentees mestees mustees mentee mestee mustee nineteen outsteer patentee picotees posteens postteen potteens preteens picotee posteen poteens potteen preteen puttees pattee poteen puttee ratteens rejectee repartee ratteen sixteen sawteeth selectee sixteens steeking steelier steelies steeling steenbok steepens steepers steepest steeping steepish steepled steeples steerage steerers steering steeving subteens steeds steeks steels steely steeps steers steeve suttee steed steek steel steep steer sateens sauteed settees steeked steeled steelie steeped steepen steeper steeple steeply steered steerer steeved steeves subteen suttees sateen settee teenaged teenager teeniest teensier teenybop teetered teethers teething teetotal teetotum thirteen trusteed trustees teemers teeming teenage teeners teenful teenier teentsy teepees teeters teethed teether teethes testees trustee teeing teemed teemer teener teensy teepee teeter teethe testee tutees teels teems teens teeny teeth tutee teed teel teem teen tees tee vestees vestee -
English words ending with tee :
abductee absentee acceptee admittee allottee arrestee adoptee amputee auditee bootee coatee departee deportee devotee draftee enlistee electee evictee grantee giftee goatee legatee listee manatee mentee mestee mustee patentee picotee pattee puttee rejectee repartee selectee suttee settee trustee testee tutee tee vestee