- adj.Sad; sorry; is sad; the sad
- WebSorrow; grief; and sorrow
bad blue brokenhearted cast down crestfallen dejected depressed despondent disconsolate doleful down downcast downhearted down in the mouth droopy forlorn gloomy glum hangdog heartbroken heartsick heartsore heavyhearted inconsolable joyless low low-spirited melancholic melancholy miserable mournful saddened sorrowful sorry unhappy woebegone woeful wretched
adj. | 1. |
n. |
Rearrange English Word: sad
ads -
Based on sad, new words formed by adding one letter at the beginning or end
b - ads
c - bads
d - dabs
e - cads
f - adds
g - dads
h - sade
i - fads
k - gads
l - dahs
m - dash
n - shad
o - aids
p - dais
r - sadi
t - said
w - daks
y - dals
All shorter English words within sad :
ad as - List all shorter English words in sad.
- List all English words English words starting with sad, English words that contain sad or English words ending with sad
- With the same order, English words that are formed by any part of : s sad a ad
- Based on sad, all English words formed by changing one letter
- Create new English words with the same letter pairs: sa ad
- Find English words starting with sad by next letter
English words starting with sad :
sades sadhe sadhu sadis sadly sade sadi sad saddened saddlers saddlery saddling sadirons sadistic saddens saddest saddhus saddled saddler saddles sadiron sadisms sadists sadness sadden sadder saddhu saddle sadhes sadhus sadism sadist -
English words that contain sad :
camisade camisado crusaded crusader crusades crusados crusade crusado dipsades dorsad glissade misadapt misadded misadds misadd oversad palisade passades passados passade passado pesades posadas pesade posada resaddle sysadmin sades sadhe sadhu sadis sadly sade sadi sad saddened saddlers saddlery saddling sadirons sadistic saddens saddest saddhus saddled saddler saddles sadiron sadisms sadists sadness sadden sadder saddhu saddle sadhes sadhus sadism sadist torsades torsade tsaddik tsades tsadis tsade tsadi -
English words ending with sad :
dorsad oversad sad