- adj.Lack of experience; naïve; ignorance; gullible
- WebNaïve; simple; natural, innocent
aw-shucks dewy dewy-eyed green ingenuous innocent naïf naif primitive simple simpleminded uncritical unknowing unsophisticated unsuspecting unsuspicious unwary unworldly wide-eyed
Rearrange English Word: naive
naevi neiva aeinv evian -
Based on naive, new words formed by adding one letter at the beginning or end
c - ivanec
d - devian
h - aehinv vehnia vahine
j - ijevan
l - aeilnv alvine alevin venial veinal valine vineal elvina
o - avoine
r - naiver arnevi vainer raveni ravine
s - naives navies savine
t - native tavien
u - vienau
All shorter English words within naive :
ae ai ain an ane ani ave en in na nae nave ne nevi vain van vane vein vena via vie vina vine - List all shorter English words in naive.
- List all English words English words starting with naive, English words that contain naive or English words ending with naive
- With the same order, English words that are formed by any part of : na naive a ai aiv v ve e
- Based on naive, all English words formed by changing one letter
- Create new English words with the same letter pairs: na ai iv ve
- Find English words starting with naive by next letter
English words starting with naive :
naivetes naively naivest naivete naivety naiver naives naive -
English words that contain naive :
naivetes naively naivest naivete naivety naiver naives naive -
English words ending with naive :