- n.Ore mine; mine; mine
- v.Mine; mine in; mined up to using mines to blow up (vehicles)
- pron.It's mine
- WebMine; mine
n. | |
v. | |
pron. | |
det. |
- Friends were working the mine, digging out turquoise.
Source: B. Byars - The great moonlit slag heaps of the Gorodok mines.sscoalminess, ssdiamond miness, sssalt miness, sstin miness, etc.
Source: B. Moore - A little below the level of mine eyes.
Source: Swift - There, reader mine! Is that last page grave..enough for you?
Source: C. A. Bristed - I venture to ask that mine and Mr Razumov's intervention should not become public.
Source: J. Conrad - I entered the saloon bar and requested mine host to start pouring.
Source: P. G. Wodehouse - Condemned to mine a channell'd way, O'er solid sheets of marble grey.
Source: Sir W. Scott
Rearrange English Word: mine
mien -
Based on mine, new words formed by adding one letter at the beginning or end
a - eimn
c - anime
d - minae
h - denim
i - mined
k - imine
l - minke
o - limen
r - monie
s - miens
v - vimen
y - meiny
z - mizen
All shorter English words within mine :
em en in me men mi ne nim - List all shorter English words in mine.
- List all English words English words starting with mine, English words that contain mine or English words ending with mine
- With the same order, English words that are formed by any part of : m mi mine in ne e
- Based on mine, all English words formed by changing one letter
- Create new English words with the same letter pairs: mi in ne
- Find English words starting with mine by next letter
English words starting with mine :
mineable minerals mineral miners mined miner mines mine -
English words that contain mine :
alumines antimine alumine ammines amines ammine amine bromines bromine calamine carmines carmine crimine diamines domineer dopamine diamine domines domine eminence eminency enamines etamines examined examinee examiner examines eminent enamine ermined ermines etamine examine ermine flamines fulmined fulmines famines fulmine famine gaminess gamines gamine harmines hexamine hominess harmine homines imine jasmine ketamine liminess melamine mineable minerals mineral miners mined miner mines mine nominees nominee overmine primines promines primine promine relumine riminess spermine sycamine thiamine thymines tyramine thymine vitamine -
English words ending with mine :
antimine alumine ammine amine bromine calamine carmine crimine dopamine diamine domine enamine etamine examine ermine fulmine famine gamine hexamine harmine imine jasmine ketamine melamine mine overmine primine promine relumine spermine sycamine thiamine tyramine thymine vitamine