- v.((United Kingdom)-LL-) metal using gravel (pavement)
- n.Metal
- WebMetal products metal or alloy
n. | 1. a hard, usually shiny element that exists naturally in the ground or in rock, for example lead, gold, or iron. Metals are usually good conductors of heat and electricity and are used to make things such as tools, machines, weapons etc; an alloy such as steel that is made from two or more metals combined together, or a metal combined with a non- metal; used about something that is made of metal |
- The durableness of metals is the foundation of this steadiness of price.
Source: Adam Smith
English word metal can not be rearranged.
Based on metal, new words formed by adding one letter at the beginning or end
a - aelmt
c - malate
d - meatal
h - tamale
l - camlet
n - malted
r - hamlet
s - mallet
u - mantel
y - mantle
All shorter English words within metal :
ae al ale alme alt am at ate eat el elm em et eta la lam lame lat late lea let ma mae male malt mat mate me meal meat mel melt met meta ta tae tael tale tam tame tea teal team tel tela - List all shorter English words in metal.
- List all English words English words starting with metal, English words that contain metal or English words ending with metal
- With the same order, English words that are formed by any part of : m me met meta metal e et eta t ta a al
- Based on metal, all English words formed by changing one letter
- Create new English words with the same letter pairs: me et ta al
- Find English words starting with metal by next letter
English words starting with metal :
metaling metalise metalist metalize metalled metallic metaled metals metal -
English words that contain metal :
bimetals bimetal gunmetal gametal metaling metalise metalist metalize metalled metallic metaled metals metal nonmetal -
English words ending with metal :
bimetal gunmetal gametal metal nonmetal