- n.See; appearance; find; look
- v.; Find; look at attention
- linkv.; Seems; it looks as if
- int.Listen to me
- WebIt seems that looked as follow
v. | 7. |
n. | 3. |
- Mons. Broussard..took a good look at us.
Source: A. Loos - The hat she stuck on without giving a look in the glass.
Source: V. Woolf - Then she saw me..and if looks could have killed!
Source: K. Tennant - 'What are you doing with that torch?' 'Just having a look round.'
Source: D. Eden - The whole question of mobilisation requires a new look.
Source: B. Montgomery - She gives me a couple of long looks.
Source: W. Wharton - When we look only with one eye.
Source: G. Berkeley - Yes, you may look!
Source: Oxford English Dictionary - Though the police looked with care, they had discovered no fingerprints.
Source: W. S. Maugham - They'd run over you as soon as look at you.
Source: E. O - Resplendently dressed ladies looked significantly at each other.
Source: J. C. Powys - Looking grimly into the mirror.
Source: C. Isherwood - He looked straight ahead of him.
Source: B. Rubens - Go into the study and look at TV.
Source: M. Sarton - Roy looked from one man to the other.
Source: E. Welty - I liked to look; I noticed everything.
Source: V. S. Naipaul
Rearrange English Word: look
kolo -
Based on look, new words formed by adding one letter at the beginning or end
f - kloo
s - kloof
All shorter English words within look :
lo loo - List all shorter English words in look.
- List all English words English words starting with look, English words that contain look or English words ending with look
- With the same order, English words that are formed by any part of : lo loo look k
- Based on look, all English words formed by changing one letter
- Create new English words with the same letter pairs: lo oo ok
- Find English words starting with look by next letter
English words starting with look :
lookdown lookisms lookists lookouts looksism lookers looking lookism lookist lookout lookups looked looker lookup looks look -
English words that contain look :
lookdown lookisms lookists lookouts looksism lookers looking lookism lookist lookout lookups looked looker lookup looks look onlooker outlooks overlook outlook palookas palooka relooked relooks relook talookas talooka -
English words ending with look :
look overlook outlook relook