- v.Hear hear hear of listening
- WebSecond listen listen; that
v. | 3. 4. |
- He heard at that moment the noise of wheels behind him.
Source: T. Hardy - I heard the phone taken up inside.
Source: Scott Fitzgerald - In the stillness you could have heard a pin drop.
Source: A. Christie - You could hear that drummer half-way down the street.
Source: T. Frisby - The front door is heard to close.
Source: A. Shaffer - Listen and you can hear them bustling in my lost rooms.
Source: Anne Stevenson
Rearrange English Word: hear
hare rhea -
Based on hear, new words formed by adding one letter at the beginning or end
b - aehr
c - rehab
d - chare
g - hared
l - heard
m - gerah
p - haler
s - harem
t - hares
v - rheas
y - share
z - shear
All shorter English words within hear :
ae ah ar are ear eh er era ha hae he her rah re - List all shorter English words in hear.
- List all English words English words starting with hear, English words that contain hear or English words ending with hear
- With the same order, English words that are formed by any part of : h he hear e ear a ar r
- Based on hear, all English words formed by changing one letter
- Create new English words with the same letter pairs: he ea ar
- Find English words starting with hear by next letter
English words starting with hear :
hearable hearings hearkens hearsays hearsing heartens heartier hearties heartily hearting hearers hearing hearken hearsay hearsed hearses hearted hearten hearths hearer hearse hearth hearts hearty heard hears heart hear -
English words that contain hear :
hearable hearings hearkens hearsays hearsing heartens heartier hearties heartily hearting hearers hearing hearken hearsay hearsed hearses hearted hearten hearths hearer hearse hearth hearts hearty heard hears heart hear misheard mishears mishear outheard outhears overhear oxhearts outhear oxheart rehearse reheard rehears rehear shearers shearing shear sheared shearer shears thearchy -
English words ending with hear :
hear mishear overhear outhear rehear shear