- adj.Sneaky; furtive; hide
- WebSneaky girl; secret, secret
English word furtive can not be rearranged.
- Adding one letter does not form new English words.
All shorter English words within furtive :
ef eft er et etui fer fet feu fie fir fire fit five fiver fret frit fruit fur if ire it re ref refit reft rei reif ret rev rif rife rift rite rive rivet rue rut ti tie tier tire tref true tui turf ut uteri vert vertu vet vie vier virtu virtue - List all shorter English words in furtive.
- List all English words English words starting with furtive, English words that contain furtive or English words ending with furtive
- With the same order, English words that are formed by any part of : f fur furtive ur r t ti v ve e
- Based on furtive, all English words formed by changing one letter
- Create new English words with the same letter pairs: fu ur rt ti iv ve
- Find English words starting with furtive by next letter
English words starting with furtive :
furtive -
English words that contain furtive :
furtive -
English words ending with furtive :