- adj.Wrong; wrong; not true; not born
- adv.Fraudulently; betraying
- WebFalse false; false
Rearrange English Word: false
alefs fleas leafs -
Based on false, new words formed by adding one letter at the beginning or end
b - aefls
c - fables
i - falces
k - falsie
l - flakes
m - fellas
n - flames
r - fleams
t - falser
x - farles
y - flares
All shorter English words within false :
ae al ale alef ales als as ef efs el elf els es fa fas feal flea la las lase lea leaf leas sae safe sal sale sea seal sel self - List all shorter English words in false.
- List all English words English words starting with false, English words that contain false or English words ending with false
- With the same order, English words that are formed by any part of : f fa fals false a al als s se e
- Based on false, all English words formed by changing one letter
- Create new English words with the same letter pairs: fa al ls se
- Find English words starting with false by next letter
English words starting with false :
falsetto falsely falsest falser false -
English words that contain false :
falsetto falsely falsest falser false -
English words ending with false :