- n.His ex-wife; her ex-husband; former sex partner
- prep.Does not include inter alia ... Zhiwai
- v.Test
- WebEx-ex-boyfriend (Ex-boyfriend);
English word ex can not be rearranged.
Based on ex, new words formed by adding one letter at the beginning or end
a - exa aex axe
d - dex
g - gex
h - hex
k - kex
l - elx lex
m - mex
p - exp
r - erx rex
s - esx sex
v - vex
- English words containing ex, with more than seven letters : No Result
- List all English words English words starting with ex, English words that contain ex or English words ending with ex
- With the same order, English words that are formed by any part of : e ex
- Based on ex, all English words formed by changing one letter
- Create new English words with the same letter pairs: ex
- Find English words starting with ex by next letter
English words starting with ex :
exabytes exacters exactest exacting exaction exactors exahertz exalters exalting examined examinee examiner examines exampled examples exanthem exaptive exarchal excavate exceeded exceeder excelled excepted excerpts excessed excesses exchange exciding excimers exciples excising excision excitant exciters exciting excitons excitors exclaims exclaves excluded excluder excludes excretal excreted excreter excretes excursus excusers excusing execrate executed executer executes executor exegeses exegesis exegetes exegetic exemplar exemplum exempted exequial exequies exercise exergual exergues exerting exertion exertive exhalant exhalent exhaling exhausts exhedrae exhibits exhorted exhorter exhumers exhuming exigence exigency exigible exiguity exiguous exilable eximious existent existing exitless exocarps exocrine exocytic exoderms exoduses exoergic exogamic exonumia exorable exorcise exorcism exorcist exorcize exordial exordium exosmose exospore exoteric exotisms exotoxic exotoxin expanded expander expandor expanses expected expecter expedite expelled expellee expeller expended expender expensed expenses experted expertly expiable expiated expiates expiator expirers expiries expiring explains explants explicit exploded exploder explodes exploits explored explorer explores exponent exported exporter exposals exposers exposing exposits exposure expounds expresso expulsed expulses expunged expunger expunges exscinds exsecant exsected exserted extended extender extensor exterior external externes extincts extolled extoller extorted extorter extracts extrados extranet extremer extremes extremum extrorse extruded extruder extrudes extubate exudates exultant exulting exurbias exuviate exabyte exactas exacted exacter exactly exactor exalted exalter examens examine example exapted exarchs exarchy exceeds excepts excerpt excided excides excimer exciple excised excises excited exciter excites exciton excitor exclaim exclave exclude excreta excrete excused excuser excuses execute exedrae exegete exempla exempts exergue exerted exhaled exhales exhaust exhedra exhibit exhorts exhumed exhumer exhumes exigent exilers exilian exiling existed exiting exocarp exoderm exogamy exogens exonyms exordia exosmic exotica exotics exotism expands expanse expects expends expense experts expiate expired expirer expires explain explant explode exploit explore exports exposal exposed exposer exposes exposit expound express expulse expunge exscind exsects exserts extends extents externe externs extinct extolls extorts extract extrema extreme extrude exudate exuding exulted exurban exurbia exuviae exuvial exuvium exacta exacts exalts examen exarch exceed excels except excess excide excise excite excuse exedra exempt exequy exerts exeunt exhale exhort exhume exiled exiler exiles exilic exines exists exited exodoi exodos exodus exogen exonic exonym exotic expand expats expect expels expend expert expire expiry export expose exsect exsert extant extend extent extern extoll extols extort extras exuded exudes exults exurbs exuvia exact exalt exams excel execs exert exile exine exing exist exits exons expat expel expos extol extra exude exult exurb exam exec exed exes exit exon expo ex expensive excrement exercising expressed exp -
English words that contain ex :
alexines amplexus annexing anorexia anorexic apoplexy adnexal alexias alexine alexins annexed annexes anorexy antisex aruspex asexual adnexa alexia alexin annexe apexes auspex annex apex biconvex bisexual biflex cachexia cachexic cathexes cathexis caudexes coexerts coexists coextend contexts convexes convexly cortexes cybersex cachexy celotex coannex coexert coexist complex context culexes caudex convex cortex carex cimex codex culex deflexed desexing dextrans dextrine dextrins dextrose dextrous diplexer duplexed duplexer duplexes dyslexia dyslexic desexed desexes dextral dextran dextrin dexies dexter dextro diplex duplex desex dexes dexie dexy dex ektexine endexine exabytes exacters exactest exacting exaction exactors exahertz exalters exalting examined examinee examiner examines exampled examples exanthem exaptive exarchal excavate exceeded exceeder excelled excepted excerpts excessed excesses exchange exciding excimers exciples excising excision excitant exciters exciting excitons excitors exclaims exclaves excluded excluder excludes excretal excreted excreter excretes excursus excusers excusing execrate executed executer executes executor exegeses exegesis exegetes exegetic exemplar exemplum exempted exequial exequies exercise exergual exergues exerting exertion exertive exhalant exhalent exhaling exhausts exhedrae exhibits exhorted exhorter exhumers exhuming exigence exigency exigible exiguity exiguous exilable eximious existent existing exitless exocarps exocrine exocytic exoderms exoduses exoergic exogamic exonumia exorable exorcise exorcism exorcist exorcize exordial exordium exosmose exospore exoteric exotisms exotoxic exotoxin expanded expander expandor expanses expected expecter expedite expelled expellee expeller expended expender expensed expenses experted expertly expiable expiated expiates expiator expirers expiries expiring explains explants explicit exploded exploder explodes exploits explored explorer explores exponent exported exporter exposals exposers exposing exposits exposure expounds expresso expulsed expulses expunged expunger expunges exscinds exsecant exsected exserted extended extender extensor exterior external externes extincts extolled extoller extorted extorter extracts extrados extranet extremer extremes extremum extrorse extruded extruder extrudes extubate exudates exultant exulting exurbias exuviate exabyte exactas exacted exacter exactly exactor exalted exalter examens examine example exapted exarchs exarchy exceeds excepts excerpt excided excides excimer exciple excised excises excited exciter excites exciton excitor exclaim exclave exclude excreta excrete excused excuser excuses execute exedrae exegete exempla exempts exergue exerted exhaled exhales exhaust exhedra exhibit exhorts exhumed exhumer exhumes exigent exilers exilian exiling existed exiting exocarp exoderm exogamy exogens exonyms exordia exosmic exotica exotics exotism expands expanse expects expends expense experts expiate expired expirer expires explain explant explode exploit explore exports exposal exposed exposer exposes exposit expound express expulse expunge exscind exsects exserts extends extents externe externs extinct extolls extorts extract extrema extreme extrude exudate exuding exulted exurban exurbia exuviae exuvial exuvium exacta exacts exalts examen exarch exceed excels except excess excide excise excite excuse exedra exempt exequy exerts exeunt exhale exhort exhume exiled exiler exiles exilic exines exists exited exodoi exodos exodus exogen exonic exonym exotic expand expats expect expels expend expert expire expiry export expose exsect exsert extant extend extent extern extoll extols extort extras exuded exudes exults exurbs exuvia exact exalt exams excel execs exert exile exine exing exist exits exons expat expel expos extol extra exude exult exurb exam exec exed exes exit exon expo ex fedexing flexagon flexible flexibly flexions flextime flexuose flexuous flexural flexures fourplex fedexed fedexes flexile flexing flexion flexors flexure funplex flexed flexes flexor fedex flex haruspex hexagons hexagram hexamine hexaplar hexaplas hexapods hexapody hexarchy hexereis hexosans hexades hexadic hexagon hexanes hexapla hexapod hexerei hexones hexosan hexoses hexylic homosex humidex hexade hexads hexane hexers hexing hexone hexose hexyls hexad hexed hexer hexes hexyl hex index ibex ilex indexed indexer indexes inexact ibexes ilexes kleenex kexes kex lexicons latexes lexemes lexemic lexical lexicon lurexes lexeme lexica latex lexes lexis lurex lex megaplex mirexes murexes mirex murex nextdoor narthex nexuses nexus next octuplex plexuses pontifex preexist pretexts pyrexial pyrexias perplex perspex plexors pretext prexies pyrexes pyrexia pyrexic plexal plexes plexor plexus pollex prexes prexy pyrex plex prex reexpels reexport reexpose reflexed reflexes reflexly reannex reexpel reindex rexines reflex rexine remex rexes rex sexiest sexisms sexists sexless sexpots sextain sextans sextant sextets sextile sextons silexes simplex spandex subtext scolex sexier sexily sexing sexism sexist sexpot sextan sextet sexton sextos sexual silvex sexed sexes sexto sexts silex sext sexy sex sexiness sexology sextains sextants sextarii sextette sextiles sextuple sextuply sexually silvexes spinifex subindex subtexts supersex teletext telexing textbook textiles textless textuary textural textured textures telexed telexes texases textile textual texture triplex tubifex telex texas texts text unsex ulex ulexite unsexed unsexes unvexed urtexts unisex unsexy unvext urtext vertexes vexation vexillar vexillum vexingly videotex vortexes vexedly vexilla vertex vexers vexils vexing vortex vexed vexer vexes vexil vext vex expensive excrement exercising expressed exp -
English words ending with ex :
antisex aruspex auspex annex apex biconvex biflex cybersex celotex coannex complex caudex convex cortex carex cimex codex culex diplex duplex desex dex ex fourplex funplex fedex flex haruspex homosex humidex hex index ibex ilex kleenex kex latex lurex lex megaplex mirex murex narthex octuplex pontifex perplex perspex pollex pyrex plex prex reannex reindex reflex remex rex simplex spandex scolex silvex silex sex spinifex subindex supersex triplex tubifex telex unsex ulex unisex videotex vertex vortex vex