- adj.Amusing; odd
- n.Eccentric, or clown
- v.Do the antics
- WebAnthich; clumsy; funny acts
Rearrange English Word: antic
actin -
Based on antic, new words formed by adding one letter at the beginning or end
c - acint
e - acetin
g - centai
h - enatic
k - acting
l - antick
m - catkin
n - tincal
o - mantic
p - incant
s - tannic
t - atonic
u - cation
All shorter English words within antic :
act ai ain ait an ani ant anti at cain can cant cat in it na nit ta tain tan ti tic tin - List all shorter English words in antic.
- List all English words English words starting with antic, English words that contain antic or English words ending with antic
- With the same order, English words that are formed by any part of : a an ant anti antic t ti tic ic
- Based on antic, all English words formed by changing one letter
- Create new English words with the same letter pairs: an nt ti ic
- Find English words starting with antic by next letter
English words starting with antic :
anticity anticked anticold anticult anticar anticks anticly antick antics antic -
English words that contain antic :
anticity anticked anticold anticult anticar anticks anticly antick antics antic canticle cantic frantic gigantic mantic pedantic quantic romantic semantic sonantic -
English words ending with antic :
antic cantic frantic gigantic mantic pedantic quantic romantic semantic sonantic