- n.Actions, behavior, action fight
- v.Be sure to do
- WebActions; actions;
n. | 1. the process of doing something, especially in order to stop a bad situation from developing or continuing; the process of bringing a case to a court of law. This kind of action is also called legal action; the process of stopping work or working less effectively in order to protest about your pay, working conditions, etc. 3. |
Rearrange English Word: action
atonic cation -
Based on action, new words formed by adding one letter at the beginning or end
b - acinot
e - botanic
f - aconite
g - coating
n - actinon
p - contain
r - paction
s - carotin
t - atonics
u - taction
All shorter English words within action :
act actin ai ain ait an ani ant anti antic at cain can cant canto cat ciao cion coat coati coin con coni cot cotan icon in into ion iota it na naoi nit no not nota oat oca octan on ontic otic ta taco tain tan tao ti tic tin to ton tonic - List all shorter English words in action.
- List all English words English words starting with action, English words that contain action or English words ending with action
- With the same order, English words that are formed by any part of : a act action t ti io ion on
- Based on action, all English words formed by changing one letter
- Create new English words with the same letter pairs: ac ct ti io on
- Find English words starting with action by next letter
English words starting with action :
actioner actions action -
English words that contain action :
actioner actions action coaction exaction factions fraction faction pactions paction reaction tactions traction taction -
English words ending with action :
action coaction exaction fraction faction paction reaction traction taction