- v.Act action work; work
- n.Act action Decree pretending
- abbr.With the "Association of Classroom Teachers"
- WebAction games, action (action), acting
n. | 3. 4. |
v. | 1. 3. |
abbr. |
Rearrange English Word: act
cat -
Based on act, new words formed by adding one letter at the beginning or end
a - act
e - cate
f - tace
h - chat
k - tach
l - tack
n - talc
o - cant
p - coat
r - pact
s - cart
t - cast
All shorter English words within act :
at ta - List all shorter English words in act.
- List all English words English words starting with act, English words that contain act or English words ending with act
- With the same order, English words that are formed by any part of : a act t
- Based on act, all English words formed by changing one letter
- Create new English words with the same letter pairs: ac ct
- Find English words starting with act by next letter
English words starting with act :
actiniae actinian actinias actinide actinism actinium actinoid actinons actioner activate actively activism activist activity activize actorish actressy actually actuated actuates actuator actable actinal actings actinia actinic actinon actions actives actorly actress actuary actuate acting actins action active actors actual acted actin actor acta acts act -
English words that contain act :
abreacts abstract actiniae actinian actinias actinide actinism actinium actinoid actinons actioner activate actively activism activist activity activize actorish actressy actually actuated actuates actuator apractic artefact artifact attracts abreact actable actinal actings actinia actinic actinon actions actives actorly actress actuary actuate atactic attract acting actins action active actors actual acted actin actor acta acts act bacteria bacterin bracteal bractlet bracted bracts bract cactuses cataract coacting coaction coactive coactors coenacts cofactor compacts contacts contract cactoid coacted coactor coenact compact contact cactus coacts cacti coact dactylic dactylus detracts didactic didactyl diffract distract dactyli dactyls detract didacts dactyl didact enacting enactive enactors enactory exacters exactest exacting exaction exactors extracts enacted enactor exactas exacted exacter exactly exactor extract enacts epacts exacta exacts enact epact exact factions factious factoids factored factotum factures fractals fraction fracture fracturs factful faction factoid factors factory factual facture fractal fracted fractur fractus factor fracti facts fact galactic hoactzin inexact lactases lactated lactates lacteals lacteous lactones lactonic lactoses lactams lactary lactase lactate lacteal lactean lactone lactose lactam lactic misacted misacts misact nonactor nonfacts nonfact outacted overacts outacts overact outact pactions playacts practice practise preacted preenact protract paction playact practic preacts preact pacts pact reactant reacting reaction reactive reactors redacted redactor reenacts refracts retracts retroact reacted reactor redacts reenact refract retract reacts redact react subtract stacte stactes tactical tactions tactless tractate tractile traction tractive tractors transact tactful tactics tactile taction tactual tractor tactic tracts tacts tract tact varactor attractive characteristics -
English words ending with act :
abstract artefact artifact abreact attract act bract cataract contract coenact compact contact coact diffract distract detract didact extract enact epact exact fact inexact misact nonfact overact outact preenact protract playact preact pact retroact reenact refract retract redact react subtract transact tract tact