- n.手提包;旅行袋;塑料袋;眼袋
- v.把…装进袋子;捕获;得分;抢占
- Web包包;书包;背包
n. | 1. 〈俚〉啤酒壶2. 〈口〉专长,爱好3. 〈口〉情绪;境遇4. 〈美俚〉(一包)毒品5. 〈英俚〉大量,很多 (of);裤子;肚子,内脏;〈美〉阴囊6. 个人特有的生活方式[习惯]7. 囊状物;【棒】垒囊;(母牛,母羊等的)乳房;肿眼泡8. 猎囊;猎获物9. 袋,囊;枕套10. 钱包;手提皮包;财富 |
v. | 1. 〈口〉登上(山峰),登临2. 使成袋状,使膨胀3. 怀孕4. 把...装进袋里,偷窃;私吞,吞没5. 捕获;击落,杀6. 膨胀[下垂]如囊 |
- Any man that putteth himself into the enemies port, had need of Argus eyes, and the wind in a bagge.
资料来源: R. Hawkins - She's got her bags piled up by the stairs, 'n' if she doesn't take to you by tomorrow mornin' she's shiftin' out.
资料来源: R. Lawler - I cracked open a peanut from the ten-cent bag I had bought..and ate it.
资料来源: S. Plath - He was bagging to leeward like a..barge laden with a hay-stack.
资料来源: F. Marryat
abg gab -
d - badg
e - bage beag abeg
l - balg
m - gamb
n - bagn bang abgn
r - brag grab garb
s - bags abgs gabs
u - gabu
y - gaby
在 bag 中所有短的英语单词 :
ab ag ba - 列出所有在 bag.中短的英语单词
- 列出所有的英语单词 以 bag 开头的英语单词, 包含 bag 的英语单词 或 以 bag 结尾的英语单词
- 以相同的顺序,由 的任何部分组成的英语单词 : b ba bag a ag g
- 基于 bag,通过改变一个字母形成的所有英语单词
- 使用相同的字母对创建新的英语单词: ba ag
- 找到 bag 的下一个字母开始的英语单词
以 bag 开头的英语单词 :
bagasses baggages baggiest baggings baghouse bagpiped bagpiper bagpipes baguette bagworms bagasse bagfuls baggage baggers baggier baggies baggily bagging baglike bagnios bagpipe bagsful baguets bagwigs bagworm bagass bagels bagful bagged bagger baggie bagman bagmen bagnio baguet bagwig bagel baggy bags bag -
包含 bag 的英语单词 :
airbags ambages airbag ambage bagasses baggages baggiest baggings baghouse bagpiped bagpiper bagpipes baguette bagworms beanbags bagasse bagfuls baggage baggers baggier baggies baggily bagging baglike bagnios bagpipe bagsful baguets bagwigs bagworm beanbag bagass bagels bagful bagged bagger baggie bagman bagmen bagnio baguet bagwig bagel baggy bags bag cabbaged cabbages cabbagey cribbage cabbage cabbagy cubages cubage debagged dirtbags dirtbag debags debag feedbags fleabags footbags feedbag fleabag footbag garbages garbagey gunnybag garbage garbagy gasbags gasbag handbags herbaged herbages handbag herbage kitbags kitbag lumbagos lumbago mailbags moneybag mailbag nosebags nosebag plumbago postbags postbag rutabaga ragbags ratbags ragbag ratbag scumbags subagent sandbags sandbag scumbag seabags seabag unbag windbags workbags windbag workbag -
以 bag 结尾的英语单词 :
airbag beanbag bag dirtbag debag feedbag fleabag footbag gunnybag gasbag handbag kitbag moneybag mailbag nosebag postbag ragbag ratbag sandbag scumbag seabag unbag windbag workbag